Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Lifestyle in Montecito Leaves Locals Curious
Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Lifestyle in Montecito Leaves Locals Curious

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in the spotlight again, this time due to their life in a luxurious neighborhood in Montecito, California. Insights from local residents reveal mixed reactions to living near the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

In a recent report, an 88-year-old neighbor named Frank McGinity recounted an incident where he attempted to approach the couple to share his films about the town's history. However, he was turned away by a security guard, who said, "They're not interested." McGinity, who has lived in the area since the Sussexes moved in 2020, described the guards' response as unwelcoming, recalling they told him to "Get Off Your Street" when he simply wanted to be friendly.

Reflecting on his experience, McGinity shared, “The gate guy turned me away and wouldn't take the film. I was trying to be neighborly. If they were interested in the neighborhood, I've got a lot of information.”

The couple relocated to the Riven Rock Estate after stepping back from their royal duties, a residence known for attracting an older crowd rather than young families. McGinity noted, “We don't see them very much around here,” highlighting a sense of disappointment among locals.

Another neighbor, Richard Mineards, expressed eagerness to see the couple more often, stating that the community is "waiting for them" and is "gnashing at the bit" for a chance to interact.

Barry Maher commented on the couple's choice of living in a "considerably pricier spot," valued at around Rs116.9 crore (£12 million or $14 million), while noting their infrequent public appearances.

As Prince Harry and Meghan continue to navigate their new life in Montecito, the reactions from locals reflect both curiosity and disappointment over their elusive presence in the community.

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