Know what is e-signature and its benefits
Know what is e-signature and its benefits

E-signature, i.e. electronic signature, is a way by which you can digitally sign any document. It works exactly like a traditional signature made with a pen on paper, the only difference is that in e-signature, digital tools and platforms are used instead of paper and pen. Nowadays, the trend of e-signature is increasing rapidly, especially in government, business and educational sectors. This not only allows documents to be signed securely, but also saves paper and makes the whole process fast and convenient.

How does e-signature work?

To use e-signature, a special digital platform or software is required. Some popular platforms like Adobe Sign, DocuSign, and India's eSign service help in this task. To e-sign, you first have to verify your identity, which can be done with Aadhaar or other digital identity proof. After this, you can upload the certified digital version of your identity on the document.

How to e-sign an online form?

Select the platform – First, select a trusted digital signature platform like DocuSign, Adobe Sign or eSign service in India.

Verify your identity – Create an account on the chosen platform and verify your identity. In India, this process can be completed through Aadhaar or digital identity proof.

Upload Document – ​​Upload the document you need to sign onto the platform.

Sign - After uploading the document, the platform will give you the option to add a digital version of your signature. Here you can easily e-sign.

Save and share the document - Once you've e-signed, you can safely download the document and send it to whoever you need.

Benefits of e-signature

E-signature has not only made paper work easier but also made it much more secure. Signing documents saves time and can be done from anywhere, anytime. This not only ensures authenticity but also maintains the security of the documents. Due to the secure and authenticated digital ID used in the digital signature process, there can be no tampering of documents.

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