Imp GK: Where did Lord Buddha attain enlightenment?
Imp GK: Where did Lord Buddha attain enlightenment?

1. Where did Lord Buddha attain knowledge?
Ans:- Bodh Gaya

2. Who founded the Arya Samaj?
Ans:- Swami Dayanand

3. Which is the script of the Punjabi language?
Ans:- Gurumukhi

4. Which is the southernmost edge of mainland India?
Ans:- Kanyakumari

5. In which state does the sun first come out in India?
Ans:- Arunachal Pradesh

6. Insulin is used in the treatment of which disease?
Ans:- Diabetes

7. Bihu is the famous festival of which state?
Ans:- Assam

8. Which vitamin is found in abundance in amla?
Ans:- Vitamin C

9. Who was the first Governor-General of India?
Ans:- William Bentinck

10. In which country was paper invented?
Ans:- China

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