Uttarakhand will implement the Uniform Civil Code this year
Uttarakhand will implement the Uniform Civil Code this year

Dehradun: The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is on track for implementation in Uttarakhand by the close of 2024, as final touches are being added to the legislation. Under the guidance of the Chief Secretary, a panel is diligently crafting the regulations necessary for its enforcement. Once the UCC clears the Assembly and receives presidential approval, the state plans to roll out various online services, notably including the digital registration of live-in relationships and marriages. This digitalization aims to streamline bureaucratic processes, sparing individuals the need for frequent visits to government offices.

In line with the UCC's provisions, couples residing in live-in relationships will be obligated to register their unions online within a stipulated timeframe. Failure to comply within a month could result in penalties of ₹10,000 or up to three months' imprisonment, with the consequences escalating to ₹25,000 in fines or six months' imprisonment for prolonged non-compliance. Additionally, the government plans to inform the parents of individuals aged 18-21 about their children's live-in arrangements, ensuring transparency and communication within families.

Chief Secretary Shatrughan Singh expressed the administration's commitment to facilitating a smoother transition through online platforms, acknowledging the need for comprehensive training for government personnel. This initiative spearheaded by the Dhami government marks a significant milestone, positioning Uttarakhand as the pioneering state in independent India to adopt the UCC. As preparations forge ahead, emphasis remains on striking a balance between enforcing regulations and embracing technological advancements for the benefit of Uttarakhand's populace.

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