MUMBAI: In the heart of Mumbai, a tragic incident unfolded today as a devastating fire erupted within a seven-story building located in Goregaon during the early hours of the morning. The flames, which ignited at approximately 3 am, proved to be a catastrophic ordeal, resulting in the loss of seven lives, which included two minors. This calamitous event has been categorized as a level 2 fire incident, as confirmed by the ANI news agency.
Disturbingly, the latest reports indicate that 39 individuals have been left injured and are currently receiving medical attention at HBT and Cooper Hospital. The origin of the inferno has been traced to the Jay Bhavani building in the Azad Nagar locality of Goregaon West. In response, the afflicted residents were swiftly transported to a trauma center in Jogeshwari and the Cooper Hospital in Juhu, both operated by the civic body.
Mumbai Police have reported, "Out of a total of 51 people injured in the fire, seven of them have tragically succumbed to their injuries, while 39 continue to receive treatment at HBT and Cooper Hospital." Among the 39 injured, four have been successfully discharged, but 35 individuals remain under medical care, with five of them in critical condition.
The exact cause of the fire remains undetermined at this time. Thick smoke impeded the residents' ability to evacuate the building, compelling some to seek refuge on the terrace. "As of now, seven deaths have been confirmed. Efforts are underway to provide assistance and support to the affected families," expressed Goregaon MLA Vidya Thakur.
Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis expressed his deep sorrow over the tragedy, saying, "Pained to know about the loss of lives in the fire incident at #Goregaon, Mumbai. We are in touch with BMC and Mumbai Police officials, and all necessary assistance is being provided. My deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones, and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured."
According to a relative of one of the victims, the fire was believed to have been triggered by a short circuit. "Our family members and relatives were present. My aunt lost her life. A short circuit occurred around 1:30 am, which then escalated into a raging fire. The flames reached the seventh floor, and one of our family members has tragically perished," the relative sorrowfully recounted.
Prior to the arrival of firefighters, the fire had engulfed the building from all angles, leaving destruction in its wake. The inferno consumed shops, scrap materials, and two-wheelers on the ground floor, as reported by fire officials.
The valiant efforts of the fire brigade persisted for nearly three hours before they managed to successfully extinguish the blaze. The operation involved the deployment of more than eight fire engines and various firefighting equipment.
BMC officials are diligently working to ascertain whether additional victims may have been admitted to private hospitals. Civic commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal is scheduled to visit the hospitals where the injured are receiving treatment in the near future, according to officials.