These questions of chemistry will help you in competitive exams
These questions of chemistry will help you in competitive exams

These chemistry questions will surely help you in your competitive exams.

1. What nature of flame is emitted when a ribbon of magnesium is combusted?
- White shiny

2. Which acid is found in vinegar?
- Acetic acid

3. Which of the following is an alien compound?
- Plaster of Paris

4. Approximate pH value of lemon juice?
- 2.2 is

5. With which substance is it beneficial to treat bee stings?
- Baking soda

6. What kind of brushing should be done to clean the mouth so that dentistry can be stopped?
- Alkaline dentin

7. Which of the following is the conductor of nonmetal electricity?
- Graphite

8. Which of the following metals can be cut with a knife?
- Sodium

9. Is zinc ore?
- Zinc blade

10. Which gas accumulates at the anode after electromagnetic decomposition of alumina?
- Oxygen gas

11. What percentage of carbon is in steel?
- 2 %

12. Which metal does not react with oxygen even at higher temperatures?
- Gold

13. Which metal starts floating when put in water?
- Calcium

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