Mobile Addiction is a Threat to Children: How to Protect Them
Mobile Addiction is a Threat to Children: How to Protect Them

Parents are often concerned about their children being excessively absorbed in the digital world these days. Outdoor activities like playing in the open air under the sky have taken a backseat in their lives, and this is affecting their physical and mental health. This growing reliance on screens is alarming, especially for parents, because online gaming and social media overuse can have detrimental effects on the health of both children and adults. Children, in particular, are becoming increasingly stubborn, demanding unusual things, and refusing to listen to their parents after watching reels and other content on mobile phones. In simpler terms, children are losing their childhood, and this calls for timely intervention to control their digital habits. Parents need to be stricter, but they also need to step out of the digital world themselves and actively engage in outdoor activities with their kids.

The time for action is now, as gadget addiction is not only reducing children's physical activities but also diminishing their mental capacity. Spending excessive time on cellphones has led to reduced physical activity, which is stunting their growth, increasing their weight, weakening their bones, and leading to various nutritional deficiencies. Perhaps the most worrisome aspect is that mobile addiction can cause iron deficiency in children, which is lowering their IQ levels. This deficiency can invite numerous health problems as they grow older. Additionally, excessive gaming and social media consumption are straining their eyesight, leading to a rapid increase in cases of nearsightedness (myopia) and frequent prescription changes for glasses due to the fatigue of eye muscles.

Let’s explore some ways suggested by Swami Ramdev to make children not only healthy but also well-rounded and cultured.
Why are children becoming addicted to social media?

Negative Impact of Digital Lifestyle:
Disrupted lifestyle
Poor health
Weak immunity
Stunted growth
Lifestyle diseases
Weak eyesight
Behavioral changes
Frequent anger outbursts
Negative emotions
Weak willpower
Poor memory

Key Factors Affecting Children’s Growth:
Physical exercise
Balanced nutrition
Growth hormones
Sleep patterns
Good posture
Strong immunity

How to Raise All-Rounder Children:
Fit and active body
Strong immunity
Sharp mind
Good concentration
Enhanced memory

How to Strengthen Children’s Immunity:
Giloy-Tulsi herbal tea
Turmeric milk
Seasonal fruits
Almonds and walnuts
Tips for Physical Growth:
Amla (Indian gooseberry) and aloe vera juice
Shatavari with milk
Dates with milk

Superfoods for Children:
Dry fruits
Sweet potatoes
Lentils (Masoor Dal)

How to Improve Brain Power:
Soaked almonds and walnuts (grind them and mix with Brahmi)
Shankhpushpi and Jyotishmati to boost brain function

Immunity Booster Tips for Children:
Provide citrus fruits (rich in Vitamin C)
Ensure some exposure to sunlight (to boost Vitamin D levels)
Include green vegetables in their diet
Offer turmeric milk for overall health

Parents, by taking timely steps, can not only help children break free from their over-reliance on the digital world but also foster their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Reducing screen time and encouraging outdoor activities, along with a healthy diet and good lifestyle habits, can significantly improve children's overall development.

With increasing social media addiction and digital distractions, the importance of outdoor activities, family time, and a balanced lifestyle cannot be overstated. Parents need to recognize these alarming trends and take proactive measures to ensure their children grow into well-rounded individuals with a strong body, sharp mind, and healthy habits.

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