MUMBAI: In a move that has raised eyebrows, a Maharashtra minister from the Eknath Shinde-led Cabinet managed to secure a parcel of land in Navi Mumbai for a trust he heads. This land, originally earmarked for the Other Backward Classes (OBCs), was allocated in November 2023 by the city planning agency, Cidco, for the creation of a community center for the Banjara people.
The push for this community center began in November 2022, when the All India Banjara Seva Sangh (AIBSS), representing the Banjara community, made the initial request. A year later, the state government allotted 5,600 square meters of land to the Shri Sant Dr Ramrao Maharaj Charitable Trust, led by the Food and Drug Administration Minister, Sanjay Rathod, who is also a member of the Banjara community.
According to available documents, Minister Rathod, a member of the Shiv Sena and an MLA from Yavatmal, played a central role in the selection process. After Cidco identified three potential plots, Rathod reviewed and shortlisted one for the AIBSS. Cidco was then responsible for finalizing the plot for the community center.
When asked about the matter, Rathod stated that he was open to returning the land, and any other organization interested in building the community center could step forward. He emphasized that there was no conflict of interest, as the land was meant for a social cause and not for profit. Rathod clarified that his trust was one of many organizations interested in the project.
However, the situation took a controversial turn when a letter dated June 16, 2023, from Rathod’s private secretary, using the minister's official letterhead, was sent to the Cidco Managing Director. The letter requested that the land, once finalized for the Banjara community center, be transferred to the Shri Sant Dr Ramrao Maharaj Charitable Trust.
In response, Cidco communicated with the Principal Secretary of the Urban Development Department on July 28, 2023. The letter mentioned that earlier in the year, the Chief Minister had discussed the request for a community center. It also referred to a review meeting in May 2023, where the Chief Secretary directed Cidco to propose a suitable plot since previous options were reserved for other purposes.
On May 9, 2023, Minister Rathod visited the Cidco office to inspect the identified plots and finalized two of them. Subsequently, his private secretary sent the letter on June 16, 2023, requesting the transfer of the land to the Shri Sant Dr Ramrao Maharaj Charitable Trust.
The plots in question were initially reserved for religious purposes. Cidco suggested that if an advertisement for the community center was issued, organizations representing the Banjara community could apply and, if eligible, could lease the land by paying the fixed amount.
When questioned about the appropriateness of his private secretary using the minister's letterhead for the request, Rathod dismissed the concern, reiterating his willingness to return the land.
Following these developments, the state Cabinet decided on September 16, 2023, to allocate the 5,600 square meter plot for the construction of the community center. While the Cabinet's decision did not specify the beneficiary, a government resolution issued on November 1, 2023, confirmed that the land was allocated to the Shri Sant Dr Ramrao Maharaj Charitable Trust.
The resolution also directed Cidco's Land Use Change Committee to reclassify the land from religious to social use to facilitate the community center's construction. Additionally, the resolution relaxed certain regulations, allowing the direct allocation of the plot without a public tender.