If you also want to show special, then first such clothes
If you also want to show special, then first such clothes

The fashion trend in the world keeps changing every day. New stylish clothes keep coming in the market, wearing which people enhance their beauty. But there is one such piece of clothing that no matter how many new fashions come, people do not stop wearing it, and that is jeans. Jeans are a favorite of everyone from children to adults. That is why you will find most people wearing jeans.

Ban on wearing jeans

Nowadays, different patterns and designs of jeans are available in the market. But do you know that there is a country in the world where wearing jeans is completely prohibited? You might be surprised to hear this, but it is true that wearing jeans is strictly prohibited in this country.

Which is the country where wearing jeans is prohibited?

If you do not know about this country, then this news is for you. The country that has banned jeans is none other than North Korea. A unique law is in force here, which will shock you.

Why is wearing jeans prohibited?

Wearing jeans is prohibited in North Korea because it is considered a symbol of American imperialism there. Since there is enmity between America and North Korea, North Korea has banned wearing jeans. If someone wears jeans there, he can be punished.

Fashion police on high alert

According to media reports, this law is strictly followed in North Korea. Fashion police patrol the streets there, which ensures that no one wears jeans. If anyone is caught wearing jeans, he is given strict punishment and can even be jailed.

Seeing such strictness about fashion in North Korea, it is clear how people there live under rules and regulations. Jeans may be an important part of fashion in the rest of the world, but in North Korea it is considered a violation of the law.

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