Know what is Malta fever and how its symptoms occur
Know what is Malta fever and how its symptoms occur

Malta fever, also known as brucellosis, is a dangerous disease that spreads from animals to humans. The risk of this disease is increasing in recent times, so it is very important to know about it. Let us know the symptoms of this disease and ways to avoid it.

How does Malta fever spread?

Malta fever is mostly spread by domestic animals. Cows, buffalos, goats, sheep, and pigs are the main causes of this disease. If you drink unboiled milk or eat meat that is not cooked properly, then this disease can spread to humans. People who live close to these animals, such as farmers and livestock farmers, are at a higher risk of this disease. Therefore, always drink boiled milk and eat meat after cooking it thoroughly.

Symptoms of Malta Fever

The symptoms of Malta fever come on gradually and can sometimes resemble other illnesses such as common fever, flu or fatigue. These symptoms can include:

  • Fever : Persistent or intermittent fever, especially in the evening.
  • Headache : Severe and persistent head pain.
  • Fatigue : Feeling extremely tired for no specific reason.
  • Sweating : Excessive sweating, especially at night.
  • Joint and muscle pain : Feeling pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles of the body.
  • Weakness : Feeling of weakness in the body, which makes even normal tasks difficult.

How to prevent Malta fever?

  • Drink boiled milk : Always use milk and milk products after boiling them.
  • Protection from infected animals : Stay away from infected animals and use gloves and masks while handling them.
  • Cook meat properly : Cook raw meat thoroughly and never eat it in raw form.
  • Regular check-up : If you are in contact with animals a lot, then get yourself checked up by a doctor regularly.
  • Care for cleanliness : Keep food items clean and follow hygiene.

Treatment and precautions

If you feel the symptoms of Malta fever, contact a doctor immediately. It is treated with antibiotics, but it is better if it is started early. Do not take any medicine without consulting a doctor. Malta fever can be a serious disease, but with the right information and precautions, you can avoid it. Follow these precautions to protect yourself and your family and live a healthy life.

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