ICG Director General Rakesh Pal passes away
ICG Director General Rakesh Pal passes away

Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Director General Rakesh Pal died suddenly on August 18. He was discussing with officials regarding the visit of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh in Chennai when he suddenly felt pain in his chest. He was immediately rushed to the hospital, but could not be saved. Doctors said that he had a heart attack. This tragic incident raised the question that if someone suddenly feels chest pain, what should be done and what kind of precautions should be taken so that life can be saved?

Possible causes of chest pain

According to Dr. AP Singh, General Physician, Yashoda Hospital, Ghaziabad, chest pain does not always mean a heart attack. The reasons for the pain can be many such as panic attack, gas formation, muscle pain or acidity. However, if someone has a heart attack, chest pain is usually a major symptom. That is why one should never be careless if one has chest pain.

What to do immediately if you have chest pain?

Dr. AP Singh says that if there is chest pain, medical advice should be sought immediately. Often people start taking medicines from the chemist when they have pain, which is wrong. This kind of carelessness can prove fatal. If there is chest pain, do not take it lightly and contact the doctor immediately.

How to differentiate between heart attack and other pain?

It is important to know whether chest pain can be a sign of a heart attack or some other problem. In case of a heart attack, along with chest pain, shortness of breath, pain in the jaw, shoulders and hands, feeling weak and sweating are common symptoms. During this time, pain can spread to the left hand and there is also excessive sweating. In this type of pain, there is no relief even by pressing the chest.

On the other hand, if there is burning sensation along with chest pain, it can be a sign of gas formation. If heaviness is felt along with pain, then there may be a problem in the digestive system. On the other hand, if the chest pain intensifies on touching, it means that it can be muscle pain. Chest pain should never be ignored. It is important to know the difference between heart attack and other normal pain. If there is chest pain, consult a doctor immediately and do not take any medicine on your own. Only timely treatment and awareness can save lives.

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