Hyundai Motor Group announced on Tuesday, December 3, a collaboration with three prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to advance research in batteries and electrification. The initiative includes an investment of USD 7 million over five years, from 2025 to 2029. The partnership involves IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, and IIT Madras.
As part of the agreement, a Hyundai Center of Excellence (CoE) will be established at IIT Delhi. Sponsored by Hyundai Motor Group, this center aims to lead innovations tailored to the unique needs of the Indian market, particularly in battery and electrification technologies.
The company emphasized that the Hyundai CoE would focus on fostering talent from India's academic landscape while driving future innovations. Naksup Sung, Head of Research and Development (R&D) Planning & Coordination Center at Hyundai Motor Group, said, "We believe that Hyundai CoE will cultivate a strong network of talented individuals from India's academic landscape, driving innovation and future growth."
The collaboration also involves joint research projects on academic and industrial tasks and will facilitate technical and human resource exchanges between experts in India and South Korea.
Hyundai Motor Group’s initiative aligns with its broader strategy to strengthen its footprint in India while contributing to advancements in the mobility sector. The company has a global presence across industries such as mobility, steel, construction, logistics, finance, IT, and services.