How does cholesterol accumulate in the veins?
How does cholesterol accumulate in the veins?

Cholesterol is an important chemical compound, which is necessary for the construction of cells in our body. However, when its level becomes high, it can become dangerous for our health. Elevated cholesterol can be fatal for the heart and brain, and it can also cause serious damage to the kidneys. Primarily, cholesterol is affected by our diet.

Types of cholesterol

There are two main types of cholesterol:

LDL Cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein): This is considered 'bad' cholesterol, as it can clog blood vessels too much.
HDL Cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein): This is called 'good' cholesterol, which is beneficial for heart health.

According to the CDC, when LDL cholesterol blocks the arteries that carry blood to the heart, it can lead to coronary artery disease, which can result in a heart attack. In this case, if you have adopted some bad habits, then immediately improve your diet. Let's know which things work to increase cholesterol.

Foods that raise cholesterol

Butter:  If you eat butter on bread for breakfast, be careful. According to research in the ACP journal, butter can increase bad cholesterol in the arteries, which can lead to coronary artery blockage.

Ice cream:  If you love ice cream, know that it can also increase your cholesterol level. According to the USDA, eating 100 grams of vanilla ice cream can add 41 mg of cholesterol to your body, which is not good for heart health.

Biscuits:  Who doesn't like to eat biscuits with tea? But it can significantly increase cholesterol. According to the Australian Government Health website, processed biscuits contain saturated fat, which can cause coronary artery disease.

Pakodas or fried chicken:  Deep fried items like pakodas and fried chicken are harmful to health. They contain trans fats, which are the main cause of raising bad cholesterol.

Burgers and Pizza: If you love burgers, pizza and pasta, beware. Butter, cream, cheese and many artificial ingredients are used to make these things, which work to accumulate cholesterol in the veins. Finally, it is important that you pay attention to your diet and avoid those things. which can raise your cholesterol levels. If you are already consuming some of these foods, start limiting them. You can improve your health by adopting a healthy diet. Prioritize your health and adopt the right habits.

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