Enjoying junk food may make you too heavy
Enjoying junk food may make you too heavy

Everyone loves the taste of junk food. Be it momos, pizza, burgers, noodles or rolls, these are not only our choice but sometimes they also become a part of our emotions. However, health experts constantly warn that excessive consumption of junk food can be harmful to health. They contain high amounts of sodium and processed ingredients, which can cause high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Is eating junk food completely bad?

While we know that consuming junk food is not beneficial for health, it can still be difficult to give it up completely. But, nutritionist Sakshi Lalwani has shared some tips, with the help of which you can maintain your health even while enjoying junk food. Let's know those easy tricks that can reduce the effect of junk food.

Consuming vinegar after dessert

It is common to enjoy dessert after a meal. However, if you consume sweets after junk food, your blood sugar level may increase. To control this, consume a small amount of vinegar after dessert. You can add it to salad or even take it directly. Vinegar can help control your blood sugar level.

Peppermint tea after chilli chicken

Chili chicken tastes amazing, but the spices and oil used in it can affect your health. Therefore, drink a cup of peppermint tea after eating chili chicken. It relaxes your digestive system as well as reduces the post-meal heat.

Banana followed by chips or french fries

If you are fond of eating chips or French fries, then definitely eat a banana after eating them. Chips and French fries contain high amounts of sodium, which can increase your blood pressure. Banana is rich in potassium, which helps in keeping your blood pressure balanced.

Curd after momos

Momos and pasta also come in the list of junk food. If you are enjoying them, then consume curd after eating them. Curd contains protein and protective bacteria, which help in keeping your digestive system healthy. Curd with berries or flax seeds can keep your health in good condition.


Enjoying junk food is not entirely bad if you follow some simple tips. Small changes like vinegar after dessert, peppermint tea after chilli chicken, banana after chips and curd after momos can reduce the impact of junk food on your health. This way you can take care of your health even while enjoying delicious junk food.

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