China Reacts Strongly to US Tariff Increase: Bilateral Cooperation at Risk
China Reacts Strongly to US Tariff Increase: Bilateral Cooperation at Risk

China has pledged to take decisive action in response to the United States' decision to increase tariffs on imports from China. This move by the US could seriously impact cooperation between the two nations, according to reports from Voice of America..

President Joe Biden has instructed his Trade Representative to raise tariffs on $18 billion worth of imports from China, including items like semiconductors, solar cells, batteries, and critical minerals. The White House announced this decision on Tuesday, citing the need to safeguard American workers and businesses.

In retaliation, China's Ministry of Commerce has criticized the US action, stating it will significantly harm bilateral cooperation. They urge the US to correct its actions and cancel the additional tariffs imposed on China. China asserts it will take firm measures to protect its rights and interests.

The White House's announcement came after a routine review of tariffs, conducted every four years. They cited China's unfair trade practices, particularly concerning technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation, as reasons for the tariff increase.

President Biden accused China of unfair trade practices, alleging they provide state subsidies to their companies, resulting in overproduction and dumping goods at artificially low prices, thereby harming global competition.

Biden confirmed that existing tariffs, initiated during the Trump administration, will remain in effect. The new tariffs will specifically target certain products and industries, including electric vehicles, batteries, semiconductors, solar cells, and healthcare equipment like face masks, gloves, syringes, and needles.

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