In a heartbreaking incident, ten members of a family, including renowned Brazilian businessman Luiz Claudio Galeazzi, lost their lives in a private plane crash in Gramado, southern Brazil. Galeazzi, 61, who was also the pilot, was traveling with his wife, three daughters, and other close family members when the tragedy struck on Sunday morning. The aircraft, bound for Jundiaí in São Paulo state, crashed just minutes after takeoff. Witnesses reported that the plane struck the chimney of a building, a residential home, and a shop before hitting the ground. Local authorities are working to determine the exact cause of the accident. Survivors and Ground Impact The crash has left a significant mark on Gramado, a scenic resort town known for its festive attractions. In addition to the deaths, As many as 17 people sustained injuries on the ground, with 12 still hospitalised, as per Rio Grande do Sul state governor Eduardo Leite. While initial reports suggest that all fatalities were passengers, investigations are ongoing to clarify if any victims on the ground were among the deceased. A Town in Mourning Gramado, already recovering from devastating floods earlier this year, is grappling with this fresh tragedy. May's unprecedented flooding displaced 150,000 people and claimed dozens of lives, leaving the community vulnerable to further shocks. Tribute to a Visionary Leader Galeazzi’s company, Galeazzi & Associados, mourned the loss of their CEO in an emotional statement on LinkedIn. The firm extended its condolences to all affected and vowed full cooperation with the ongoing investigation. Aviation Safety Under Scrutiny This incident comes only months after a passenger plane carrying 62 people crashed outside São Paulo, resulting in a total loss of life. The back-to-back tragedies are prompting renewed attention to aviation safety in the country. Security cameras captured the final moments of a small Piper aircraft as it took off from Canela Airport in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The plane departed smoothly but tragically crashed just minutes later in Gramado, approximately 6 miles (10 kilometers) from its departure point. The incident has drawn attention to the area, a region renowned for its natural beauty and tourist appeal. Authorities are continuing to piece together the circumstances surrounding the crash, as the Gramado community and the nation mourn the loss of Galeazzi and his family.